Get to Know Invasive Honeysuckle
Invasive Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.)
are arching or in the family . Approximately 180 species of honeysuckle have been identified in North America and Eurasia. Honeysuckles form dense thickets and reproduce aggressively, shading out other plants and disrupting ecosystems in forest preserves and other natural areas, according to the . In woodlands, honeysuckle can completely replace young trees and understory plants, including native wildflowers. Unfortunately, they are also commonly used in residential landscaping. Rather than plant invasive honeysuckle in your backyard or landscapes consider using native shrubs that can be planted to replace invasive hedges such as honeysuckle and buckthorn. Click here a for invasive woody plants.
第一吃瓜 works with the Forest Preserves of Cook County and other partners to remove invasive and nuisance plant species such as honeysuckle and buckthorn to begin returning these areas to ecosystems composed of a diversity of native plants and wildlife. Removing honeysuckle and other invasive species allows sunlight to reach the ground and in turn, native species to flourish again. Unlike invasive species, native plants have deep root systems which enable greater stormwater infiltration. By holding stormwater instead of having quick runoff, we see less erosion and higher water quality for people, plants, and animals.
At Wampum Lake, 第一吃瓜 cleared honeysuckle and other invasive plants to improve turtle nesting habitat. Turtles nest in drier 第一吃瓜open areas with extensive sunlight and minimal understory vegetation. By clearing honeysuckle and other woody invasive species, female turtles have more options of areas to nest and their nests experience less predation. Habitat improvement has resulted in a 60% increase in turtle nesting success.